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Unlocking Eve x Center for Global Health and Development Partnership

CGHD and Unlocking Eve are pleased to announce this partnership and look forward to creating a plan to move toward the implementation of sustainable financing projects that improve women’s access to capital, leadership, and healthcare.

Day 1: Announcement & Co-Hosted Event 

At the 78th United Nations General Assembly Side Event in New York, CGHD and Unlocking Eve were pleased to announce this partnership and look forward to creating a plan to move toward the implementation of sustainable financing projects that improve women’s access to capital, leadership, and healthcare.

Women’s economic empowerment, access to healthcare, and inclusion in leadership positions are essential factors to prioritize when working to achieve global development goals. However, women across the globe, particularly those in low- and middle-income countries, face a multitude of barriers that limit their economic opportunities, ultimately impacting other fundamental components of a healthy and successful life. To assist in addressing these gaps, The Center for Global Health and Development and Unlocking Eve are thrilled to announce a partnership on gender-lens investing and sustainable financing for women’s economic empowerment. 

The partnership will be announced at the WHEN Leadership Breakfast Roundtable on September 20th, 2023. The session will be opened with virtual comments from Dr. Kerstin Vesna Petrič, Outgoing Chair of the Executive Board of WHO, who highlighted the need for practical solutions to make meaningful progress towards the 2030 SDGs.

Day 2

It was an honor to be invited to celebrate this fantastic organisation, co-founded by Richard Branson and guided by all at  The B Team on its 10th Birthday. The  members of this organization are also advocates for what we are advancing: courageous, balanced, and integrated leadership.

Meeting Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and a global advocate for human rights and climate justice, was an incredibly inspiring experience. Her unwavering commitment to creating a more just and sustainable world has left an indelible mark on many of us, both personally and professionally. Read our article about it here.

"As I stood alongside this remarkable leader, I couldn't help but reflect on the profound lessons she embodies. Mary Robinson's unique way of "being" serves as a beacon of guidance and a blueprint for personal growth and impactful leadership."

Eva McLellan, Unlocking Eve

Day 3: Unlocking Eve joined the launch of #TIME 100 Talks

There were a series of conversations highlighting timely and essential perspectives. Read more about it here.

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